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Location: Athens, Ga, United States

Our son Ryan was diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma in 2004. In 2007, my wife Missy was diagnosed with stage 2 triple negative breast cancer. On July 8th, 2009, Missy lost her battle to this horrible disease. 2 days later, on July 10th, Ryan also lost his. Together forever, they both watch over our family now from the heavens above. Below is our families journey through Ryan's treatments, along with the joy and laughter we tried to instill into our daily lives. Those days helped us all cope with the pain and suffering that comes with cancer and it's deadly treatments. Both Missy and Ryan endured high doses of chemo, radiation and surgeries. Over 150 nights spent in the hospital and many, many more days. More transfusions than I could count. Yet both Missy and Ryan took on each day with a positive attitude and warm smile for all their friends. We miss them terribly. They will always be a shining light in our lives.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Happy Mother's Day!

We have had a good week for the most part. Ryan has really started to slow down today, but he has had a major weekend, too. We started out this morning for Cracker Barrel for Mom's Day with my parents, but it was so crowded, and Ryan was nauseated. I gave him a phenergan and we tried to wait it out, but just couldn't. We decided to go for Japanese, and it was a real hit (until he came over and threw up between Les and I). He felt a lot better after that and ate his lunch. He swam for a little while this afternoon, and is now watching some scary sci-fi movie. We had a great time at Relay for Life last night. Ryan's school raised over $10,000. My only wish is that even a portion of it was going to help all the kids that need it. We are giving some serious thought to doing our own fund raiser for Neuroblastoma. We will have more details on that soon, I hope. Thanks to Jena and all her team including her mom, grand-mom, and Candler for making it such a fun night for Ryan. And thanks to his teacher, Mrs. Frye, for coming out and bringing her family to support Ryan. Please remember her in your prayers as she gets ready to have her third baby, a girl this time, just after school gets out (we hope!). Ultrasounds have shown that the baby has a cleft lip, and we are hoping and praying no other involvement. She has been such an awesome teacher for Ryan, and a great friend for me! It was so great to see so many of our friends Friday night at Relay. Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and your prayers for all of us. My sister made some really neat luminaries with Ryan's pictures on them. He really loved that! Please keep praying that the chemo is doing just what we need it to, and please pray that Ryan will make it through the next 10 days or so without any fevers. I don't think he will go back to school this year. Another child in his class went home on Friday with the chicken pox. Thank you all for your cards, posts, and emails. We feel very blessed to have so many friends praying for Ryan. Love, Les, Missy, Heidi, Will, and SuperRyan

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